How to respond to a synchronicity. 3 ways to generate more of them.

Have you ever been buying something online and there were problems? You lost the Internet for a moment, the website page refreshed itself, you did not notice there was one more confirmation button? Was it expensive or something you did not need to buy or have? It was your synchronicity set by your higher self to prevent you from making unnecessary mistakes, as you do not have to go through this lesson anymore or this time.
It can be the other way around. Once, I wanted to go to the Teal Swan workshop as a VIP guest and have a chance to talk with her. I did not have money for it. I had only a standard seat. But I was in the middle of remortgaging, and just a few weeks before, I was sent back overpayments on my mortgage during the transfer. It was exactly the difference between a standard seat and a VIP one. If you listen to your intuition, it will even tell you what to calculate and where to look for money. My higher self wanted this experience. It was beneficial to my evolution.
Have you ever had a problem getting to a place to meet your new date? As it turned out, later on, it was a dangerous person.
Have you ever been stuck on a train and could not attend an event? It was not meant for you to be there. It was a waste of time, or you had to avoid something.
Have you ever felt lucky because you followed nudges and said yes to the party your friend organised? And you met your future partner there?
You decided to meet her there, and energetically influenced your friend to invite you both. Having access to the Collective Consciousness, we can set many types of synchronicities.

Notice and learn
It is not easy to see or believe it. This is why we have helpers, teachers, and guides. They teach us how to do it ourselves by setting synchronicities on our behalf when we are ready to learn.
The best way is to start noticing and making sense out of it. Believing. It is not that difficult since you start practising it. For me the most challenging is to recognise what is meant to be and what I should avoid. I guess if I do not know it yet there is a lesson for me to learn. These experiences will come regardless of how painful. But I do not fear because this is the only way to become a better and stronger magician.
We can manifest, organise synchronicities, and set energies for others. Becoming guides. But about it in a minute.
Half of success is in seeing. This is why it is important to know that coincidences do not happen. You will be ready to learn when you swap this word with synchronicities. What? How to set them by yourself. How to use something that people used to call magic. magic It looks like magic at first, but later you will recognise that it is just you plotting and setting events.

Practice on others
We are more likely to see others’ happiness, luck, and synchronicity. It is very difficult to be objective towards your own life.
Why not use others to practise setting up synchronicities? When you find somebody who needs help , organise it for this person. Find the person who can help them and set up the opportunity for them both to meet mysteriously. Otherwise, the person who you are helping might reject it. Do you see similar patterns in your life? Yes. This is why our own synchronicities are not that straightforward.
We do not like to be told what to do, do we? Therefore it is beneficial to allow the process called ego death after shadow work.
You can send that person an anonymous invitation or, by mistake, leave a leaflet on their desk. This is how it works. Do you recognise it now? Have you experienced similar situations in your life? Your teachers are not just humans but higher vibing entities that can possess humans for a moment to serve the purpose. meeting_angel This is why it is so important to surround yourself with higher vibing people. For these entities it is difficult to dense energy and match the simple human body. They can do it if you are with it. But help them and find people who are better than you.

Setup and follow
Magic. True magic. We are here to learn how to use energy and play with it. Not an easy task when we have been trained to believe in so many strange things. For example, there is only what we can see and touch. That we have only five senses and that God is something else than us.
96% of the Universe is made of dark matter. This means that 96% of the Universe is just energy waiting to be observed and released into something, into matter. dark matter What do you want it to be?
Imagine it, set an intention, use your purest possible energy and as you set it up for others in a previous exercise, see it in your mind happening for you. Tell the Consciousness what it must be.
I lost my new dress on the train. I left it there. At the station, I connected with Consciousness and asked to add my telephone number to the front of the package so that somebody could call me and return it. Did I get a call? Yes. I did. The lady waited for me a few stations further, and I got my dress back. It is much easier than you think. But you have to have pure energy to connect to the Collective and believe.
It can be used for bigger things, and we use these powers more or less but unconsciously.