eople mostly focus on external technology in the era of artificial intelligence, electric cars, and organ transplants. hey are neglecting the one which is much more accessible and much more powerful.
The Biological one.
Thinking that the light spectrum is only what you see, that there are only sounds you can hear or you can smell it all, is as clever as not having a gas detector while using a gas boiler.
Your senses would disappoint you if there were a leak.
What else would you not want to test your abilities with? Are we limited to perceiving this World through the prism of only our five senses?
Dogs can hear lower-frequency sounds than us. They can smell drugs or cancer tissue.
What more can we do?
With the growing human population's fast and easy access to knowledge or personal data, the risk of problems increases.
However, the evolution was not designed to stay still. We are meant to change together with any environment … biologically.
Nature decided to equip us with another sense. Intuition. Instant knowing is based on connecting known facts and general knowledge, which leads to feeling situations instead of just observing them. It is like a muscle. It has to be trained.
It is worth knowing what gifts come with it and how to master them.
Is there anything more consuming your energy than investing in the wrong people?
People who do not resonate with you would not mind taking advantage of your good heart. But you let them come close, ignoring red flags or simply not seeing any.
Many individuals can camouflage themselves and mimic good behaviour observed in others. Pretending to be higher vibing entities.
Getting divorced, losing money due to wrong investments, or untrustworthy friends can ruin quite a portion of your life or peace. These types of events would affect not only you but your loved ones, too.
It could change your or your whole family's circumstances for a long time.
Together with intuition comes discernment. It feels like this veil is taken away from your eyes. You can see people’s possible behaviour and intentions based on their patterns.
You can predict what can occur and almost feel like hearing their thoughts.
The best way to strengthen this gift would be to put yourself in contradictive situations.
If you need to start detecting layers, you would have to stop lying to see how it feels and how others act around you.
To increase your discernment, you need to collect knowledge about the opposite behaviour to the one you want to be able to recognise. Because judging situations and people means comparing, and it is much easier when you have many good scenarios to do it with.
Intuition is a key to your new skills. And like with shaping your body during a workout, you can choose what you want to practice the most from your new abilities.
Humans use intuition to pick up and verify messages they receive from the collective to which they are connected. Yes, it can be two-way communication as long as it is accepted and recognised.
It is concerning that the majority of people use it unconsciously. And they send information about themselves energetically without any protection or particular target. And anybody can pick it up.
Additionally, uncontrolled telepathy leaves open doors to your mind for anybody from your Consciousness, and those who are more skilled can influence your decision-making. It might not be beneficial to you.
It is essential to learn at least how to block it from unwanted influences or attacks.
Telepathy works on an energetical level. It affects you through visions, music, and sudden feelings.
To block it, just exercise changing what you see or hear in your head instantly. Changing what you pay attention to, what you entertain.
When you see yourself buying a car you do not want, turn it into a pumpkin carriage and imagine the whole Cinderella story in your mind. Change your focus to a glass shoe.
You might end up with a new pair of shoes instead of a posh car.
Seeing snippets from the future
Your intuition is a connection to your higher self. Your future version, which has access to all your possible timelines, you can build this lifetime.
It means that when you strengthen this communication, you can be shown what would happen if you act a particular way.
Your version, which has access to the collective energy, can set up synchronicities to prevent you from making mistakes or lead you towards something you want.
It will show you snippets from each of your timelines, more like asking you which one you want. And the one you will resonate the most with, which will generate the strongest emotions, will be picked up as the one you desire to experience.
This is why you have to be careful what you pay attention to because it is after the strongest emotion, even if it is anger or grief.
Therefore, a peaceful life is challenging to manifest as you must be free from triggers and focused only on what makes you happy.
You will see visions and dreams, you will be in a particular way triggered while watching a scene in a movie or listening to a song’s lyrics.
Your higher self has access to your body and mind through intuition. The stronger it is, the more precise the messages.
For example, when you have a strange desire to watch something, you will find a solution to your problem there and know it because your whole body will be alerted.
Have you ever heard somebody else's sad story, which was so weirdly familiar, like you already knew it? It might have been the scenario you avoided, and your higher self was showing you it.
Building this bond between you and your intuition is vital to experiencing your highest possible life opportunities.
And do not take it for granted. Understand that you are a creator.