Most religions tell a story that Heaven is the place we go to after death when we obey their organisation's rules.
You must have heard about Cinderella being rescued by the prince for good behaviour and being nice to her abusers. Do you think it was a true story?
Why, then, do you believe in a big, red, bad guy with horns chasing after you when you do not do what your religion says?
I apologise to those who have already outgrown these stories. And please be kind to yourself if you need them still.
These organisations use powerful manipulation tactics to brainwash you since you were a child.
Haven is what you build here on Earth during this lifetime. There is no definition for it.
It should serve your soul and growth to make you happy.
If you need a warm, red creature, make sure you adore it and do not let it spoil with others’ opinions that you do not follow the only true path.
There is no one. Your Heaven is personal. Only you know what you want.
But there are Universal laws like physics. The main one is not to harm other energies as we are One, and it always comes back.
I can show you how to create Heaven on Earth using your energy. Stay with me.
Change Stories
When your intuition tells you that something does not make sense, maybe it is time to believe in yourself rather than in people you do not know or who are long gone and irrelevant to the current situation in the World.
Simple stories like fairy tales should teach us to distinguish good from evil and show us the possible consequences of bad actions. Similar to these from religious books. I bet you always know what will happen and how it ends when you watch a cartoon with kids.
Do you still need these teachings?
Nobody knows better what took place in your life, what triggers you, what you experienced.
If there has to be anybody advising you on how to live your life, why not listen to your intuition only?
Do you want Haven on Earth? It is easier than you think. Make up the stories in your life yourself. And exactly the way you want them to be.
For example: do you remember the archangel who was cast out from Haven?
They even changed his name from Samael to Lucifer, making him a prince of seduction, temptation, and sin.
Do you agree to have it in your life? To teach your kids hate, abandonment, and labelling.
In my World, he is the most powerful archangel who is strong and clever enough to keep and teach people who are not yet ready for true life or the magic of creation.
Do not tell me I am satanic. I do not want Hell in my life, and I love everybody. This is my Heaven.
Define Karma
What do you want? Easy question? It never is, as everything brings consequences we often do not want to encounter.
But you can define what they are. It is your life and your World. And truly, you can make it your way but under one condition. Your definition of karma will be for everybody. For you too.
If you want to use others' energy freely, you can not expect them to pay you back when they use yours. When you demand something in return, you will build a karmic debt for not obeying your own rules. You wanted free access to people’s energies.
Rules are like bricks. Your Heaven needs to be built. Standards are definitions.
Jesus Christ, Buddha or any other prophet made them once. You can do the same. They were leaving only examples, footprints. Do not be shy or overpowered.
You share energy with them in Oneness.
In Haven, love and joy are the main emotions. It is impossible to feel it when your heart keeps grudges and can not forgive. What will be your definition of Karma? Do you want people to pay for their deeds? How far would they have to go to redeem themselves in your kingdom?
In mine, they just need to be better. I do not want them to remember bad events or dwell on them. It does not serve anybody anything good.
Additionally, I do not want to be in my Kingdom alone while everybody is working on their karma outside or because I will still have something to pay off and won’t be able to enter.
Play a role others can admire
It is your Heaven, your story, your castle. It needs players: a prince, a princess, farmers, taxes perhaps, or a cat.
Choosing the role you want to play is the best part of building your Kingdom. Whoever you choose needs to be admired. It is called self-love. You doing whatever needs to be done for rest to love you in your World.
Difficult? Possible when you are everybody. It would mean that it is you deciding what they feel.
Make your cat sit in front of the fireplace on its human’s lap, keen to be pet.
Let the farmer enjoy Christmas like never before, as he sold the best crops this year and did not have to pay taxes as the King took some of these as a payment. And this is all for next year's royal wedding as your king fell in love.
What do you want it to be? Make the story close enough to your current life and play it in your head, allowing yourself to be every player. This way, you will know exactly how to make them all happy. This will build your Heaven as you are each of them.
We are just energy and only One.
You are everybody and everything that you meet in your life.
Show them your Haven. Be an Angel.