Becoming a new human species. 3 ways to activate DNA.

Our DNA can get tangled because it twists itself, and each of us has DNA twisted more or less. For a cell to manufacture proteins (something we are built of), specific genes within its DNA must first be transcribed into molecules of mRNA.
These transcripts must be translated into chains of amino acids, which later fold into fully functional proteins. But in the whole process, enzymes first read DNA information.
And it can only access parts that are not twisted too much. Otherwise, it will never get read.
For example, DNA responds to stress by supercoiling like an old telephone cord, and a cell might suffer. It can even tangle DNA, creating knotts. dna supercoiling But there are enzymes which can unwind our DNA like topoisomerases. Have you heard about DNA activation? Exactly.
Producing an environment in our body which will unwind it and allow the production of super-proteins based on code not yet accessed. Which one?
God's code! Super abilities.

No more stress or fear

"Dark mornings know me best
Know the fear, I suppress
It consumes my heart
Constricts it tight."
~Ellie May
Many spiritual teachers focus their work on creating brain-heart coherence, claiming that creating powers comes from this process. This is just electromagnetism, in which our body can produce and send the wave at a particular frequency. The heart is the main element in this bioelectromagnetic technology.
Many poets have known for ages that it will not work if your heart is scared or hurt. Not possible. Fear switches it all off. Do not let it.
Stress and fear trigger our body's cortisol production, a stress hormone. It binds to glucocorticoid or mineralocorticoid receptors inside a cell, which then binds to DNA to impact a gene expression negatively. dna cortisol
Stress and fear prevent you from achieving your highest potential not only on a mental level but biologically too. What to do?
What if I told you that all around you, all you experience happens for a reason? To teach you, to shape you, to help you to ascend spiritually.
Would you be willing to accept it and surrender to your faith? Congratulations. You just said goodbye to fear and became the owner of your life!
The human brain easily accepts what can not change.
What about knowing that you create your reality yourself? All these difficult situations are just for you to understand and elevate. Does it not uplift you? Self-learning expression of the Universe.

Contribution leading to self-validation
Confidence is the most desired feature and can make you feel … self valued. You will not need anybody to tell you that you do well. You will need only yourself to confirm if you are on the right path.
Why is it important? Because when you activate your DNA, make it more available for your body and mind, the biggest challenge will be to sustain this state, energy, and openness. To keep these gates open, you should not depend on others’ acceptance as it comes and goes. Without a strong, supporting environment, which is rare, you will not be able to keep your frequency on a high level long enough to give birth to something creative. creativity How do we break chains and stop depending on others' validation? Turn roles around. Make them depend on you. Contribute to the environment, serve, help or advise. Organise events or get together.
Our brain is an amazing tool, and only it. You can trick it and build your confidence convincing it that it is you who people need. Trick? You will not care when eventually you will get busy creating your own World only on your own terms … using unfolded, hidden parts of your DNA.

Challenging yourself and going beyond
Challenging yourself always. Never again be stuck in your comfort zone. It is not your home anymore. Does it sound like a difficult task? Try it, and I promise you will change your mind. When you find your wind and catch it in your sails, you will never let it get lost again. Your vision will become your home and all you do not see yet coming. God creation. Only your imagination will be your limitation.
Quantum powers activation. What you imagine and see will become. It will start from within and will get projected outside, including 3d energy manipulation.
When you need an item, it will get created on a molecular level by accessing particular parts of code. And when you need friends, an audience or clients it will become a matter of your command. Remember - energy manipulation. You will create your World. Dimension. It will be you deciding what or who is there. And I am not talking about blocking people on Facebook. I am talking about you creating characters in your reality. Do it with fun and compassion in mind.