Creating a new dimension

You have already done it .. at least once. You have to admit that there is nobody like you. Nobody thinks like you, acts like you or expresses themselves like you. You seem to do everything differently than others. You might be feeling often misunderstood and tired of it. But you should not if the dimension you are building is original and full of surprises.
Please remember that we are creators only when we do not copy what is already there.
Each of us has a choice to make. Either to follow the crowd or create one by giving birth to something people can follow. Knowing that they will not listen to something they already know, you must be unique and innovative. It would be best to add something triggering a transformation to this combination.
To not feel completely alone in your dimension, you would have to invite people, let them know about it and make it attractive enough for them to stay.
Shifting dimensions comes with an effort, and people can do it only if they fall in love with the idea you present. presentation

Knowing yourself. Self-awareness.
Simply put, it’s your sense of self. Recognising your role clearly in every aspect of your life, knowing your function and applying correct actions to what needs to happen for you to blossom and reach your highest potential.
Understanding that nobody can tell you how to do that is crucial. It is designed in a way that only you can to find or decode it. Maybe this is why there are no identical DNA structures in nature. presentation We are not meant to be the same or similar. What decides who we are?
What if it is you?
Being your own creator. Regardless of your DNA length, your body influences your gene expression in collaboration with your chemical biology.
Your job is to understand and start controlling it by knowing how it happens.
Know yourself.

Being picky
"Where focus goes, energy flows."
~Tony Robbins
It is a powerful phrase and describes a mechanism where the main element is your brain.
Its essential job is to entertain thoughts from the collective you are connected to and help you to act accordingly.
Yes - you read it right. Most of these 7000 thoughts that come through your brain daily are not necessarily yours. But the decision of what to process and focus on is. presentation Only selected parts of them you will let sink into your mind, creating your mindset, which is your dimension. You are the sum of the five people closest to you because you will most likely access their thoughts.
Do not hesitate to be picky when you decide who should influence your reality.
It is not only people around you who have this power.
Be careful with what you watch or listen to. I am talking about TV, music, social media.
What are your hobbies? Nighclubbing or books?
There is no wrong choice as long as it is yours and made consciously to make you happy.

Pure Imagination
I love Albert Einstein mostly because he saw, like nobody else, the power of imagination.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.
For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand,
while imagination embraces the entire World
and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
~Albert Einstein
Don’t all scientists prove each year that they did not know something previously?
The Nobel Prize is always given for something new that was considered controversial at some point.
Would it be enough to understand that there is still more to discover?
What is more interesting is that we are meant to create what is not there yet.
There are already studies about matter behaving differently when observed and never the same for different observers - the observer effect in physics.
It is my favourite reality dynamic as it allows you to influence everything you perceive by just imagining it to be whatever you want, and it does not stay only in your mind. It manifests outside, too.